Unanswered 'robots.txt' Questions - Page 8 - Stack Overflow

According to robotstxt.org The first answer is a workaround: You could put all the files you don't want robots to visit in a separate sub directory, make that ...

TV Series on DVD

Old Hard to Find TV Series on DVD

My robot.txt file looks fine but doesn't work

For my website I tried to make a robot.txt file so my SEO would be better. After adding the robot.txt to my website I expected it to work like ...

Why is Google indexing my robots.txt file?

It is normal behavior for Google to index your robots.txt file. It's a URL on your website just like any other.

What a very bad day at work taught me about building Stack ...

I've been at Stack for a year now, and I'd like to share with you one of my worst days at work, and what it taught me about the Stack Overflow ...

How Can I Encourage Google to Read New robots.txt File?

There is a way to force google-bot to re-download the robots.txt file. Go to Health -> Fetch as Google [1] and have it fetch /robots.txt. That ...

wget -m inserts robots.txt? - Ask Ubuntu

The Problem isn't with wget inserting a robots.txt file where it doesn't belong, it is with the server you are mirroring content from. The ...

Getting 404 on any text file (including robots.txt) with nginx

I had this issue and I restarted nginx and the problem was solved. No idea what caused it as my other domain's .txt files were working.

AI-generated answers temporarily banned on coding Q&A site Stack ...

Stack Overflow has temporarily banned users from sharing answers to coding queries generated by AI chatbot ChatGPT.

The robots are coming for (the boring parts of) your job

In this piece, we'll explore what AI programs are out there and how developers are using them. We'll look at their current limitations and ...